Partitioning walls

Partitioning walls

The interior walls have a wide variety of functions and must meet a range of technical parameters of construction. The most widespread are separation walls – non-movable walls, light, made out of plasterboard, which are not part of the backbone of the house – over which a mineral fiber material is applied. For these walls, in addition to mechanical resistance and stability, legal directives stipulate requirements for thermal and acoustic insulation and fire resistance.

Technonicol insulation materials in combination with a system of drywall, provides a wide range of alternatives that could achieve excellent parameters in terms of soundproofing Index (Rw airborne sound reduction), insulation (heat transfer U coefficient) and fire resistance (EI).

Technonicol materials can be used for new installations or additional filler for new or existing partition. Applying Technonicol insulation materials on partitioning walls improve the soundproofing, thermal insulation and fire protection properties.




About the Author

Rikko Steel administrator

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